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We prepare liveable environments for your customers

Our Systems can be used for: Cooling the Fields and Wrestling Fiels, Cooling the Rally field, Cooling the Concert S ites, Cooling the Cafeterias, and Wide Areas, Cooling Restaurants, Cooling of the Garden and Terrace with Open Space, Cooling of the Factory, Storage Area, and Workshops, Cooling the Trade Centers, Shower Centers and Cooling of High Volume and High Ceiling Areas, Cooling in Beach Parks and Country Wedding Organizations, Cooling the Zoos, Livestock Farms and Animal Shelters. Click here to get more information about our systems.

Evaporative cooling is the only effective solution which is proven for outdoor cooling worldwide. Evaporative cooling is the delivery of water, in other words, moisture , in order to evaporate rapidly in the environment. Click here to get more information about our systems .

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